

My name is Patrick Wanner and I was born in Switzerland. Having spent a significant portion of my childhood in the Bay Area, I have a strong affinity to California. I completed high school and attended medical school in Zurich, Switzerland. At the moment I am in fellowship in Canada. Although work has a tendency to suck up a considerable amount of my time and energy, I do try to stay balanced and keep my hobbies going. If I had to list three passions, I'd say that they are photography, the sea and aviation. In my free time, I also love dining and cooking with friends. A longtime dream of mine is to live at the sea. I suppose only time will tell...



My name is Patrick Wanner and I was born in Switzerland. Having spent a significant portion of my childhood in the Bay Area, I have a strong affinity to California. I completed high school and attended medical school in Zurich, Switzerland. At the moment I am in fellowship in Canada. Although work has a tendency to suck up a considerable amount of my time and energy, I do try to stay balanced and keep my hobbies going. If I had to list three passions, I'd say that they are photography, the sea and aviation. In my free time, I also love dining and cooking with friends. A longtime dream of mine is to live at the sea. I suppose only time will tell...

Patrick Wanner